Monday, November 29, 2010

Santa VS. Turkey

  • What are the PRO's and CON's of thanksgiving?
Some of the pro's during thanksgiving is that we are given time off to spend with our family and friends, the people that really love us. We are not often able to make time for our family, but some how during the holidays we get that chance to spend with them. Oh and another good part about thanksgiving is the makes you sleepy. But ts just an amazing time to be surrounded by family sitting at the dinner table having long discussions of whatever it is brought up. These people that surround you are the ones that make you laugh cry, and enjoy the sentimental moments that come across our way. The Con's of thanksgiving is that its only one day that we get to stuff our faces with loads of delicious food.

  • What are the PRO's and CON's of christmas
The pro's of christmas are that its "the most wonderful time of the year"....according to many people in America. This is the time that people come together and like to get all mushy and warm hearted towards the people they love. Its also a special that goes down in history and will forever be the most wonderful time of the year. Many believe this because human beings in this world like to get all sentimental and kind and get  extra generous. But i dont like how everyone only gets tender and express there feelings only on this day, there should not be only one day that we take the time out to be this totally different loving person.

I dont prefer either holiday.. It's not that I cant;s more like I cant.....

Sooooooo fare thee well my good fellow class mates..until morrow will i write a new post,
The Element of Freedom..

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Ideal Mate

Is a mate the same thing as marriage...?
Well if it is than that means that you and that other have become one..not like as in you are together all the time but yall share the same interests and become intact as you grow together throughout life. You contain an inexpresable love thats contained between the two of you. Your mate is someone you love not only from your heart but from your soul.

While searching for an ideal mate we usually look for things such as: their moral priciples, what we share in common, or maybe even how well you and that other person get along. But usually when people are in a relationship they rush this prosess of finding out who that person is. When looking for an ideal mate you are basically looking for that significant other in whom you share an intimate attraction with, containing the same recriprocal feelings that you and that other person share.

Your mate is usually or typically the person you spend the rest of your life with. Im guessing this person is your wife or husband. With this mate you share the most indepth relationship with, you tell this person everything...even if it may be "to much information." But none of that embarrassing stuff really matters because you can trust that loved one with anything.

the element of freedom

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Whats yo character?

Character is what or who you really are when no one can see you. Your true character is truly seen when you do what you would normally do when your in the dark isolated from everyone else, but everything that's done in the dark must come to the light. Your character is basically the moment of truth, whether that truth be good or bad. Character in the dictionary is defined as "moral integrity."

Society defines you  by your character this is how people know you and will remember you. I think that their are many qualities to a character for instance not one thing or one word can define who you really are. So with that i think that your character is somewhat of a summary of yourself. Your integrity helps you develop character, you have to have some integrity to grow the character that you grow to appreciate.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Forgiveness\nv'' ksf'adlvm\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\,sfd;lmadd'vl

Forgiveness is only healthy when you eat it with a bowl of cereal!

I know how hard it is to forgive, thats one of the main key's in getting over an issue that you may have. If your ever expecting to get through a hard time in your life you need to realize that you cant get through this prtoblewm without forgiving, whether that be your past, a person, or even yourself.  But this is what we mainly struggle with, because we choose not to let go of the hurt or pain someone put us through so we like to keep hold of that heartache they might have put us through.
I think that a main factor that stands in our way is our own pride We think that forgiving someone lets them know that they won, or that they have power over you..but really when you keep hold of that grudge and unforgivness for the other person, they actually had power over you the whole time.
You know how people say "top forgive is to forget" i think that is a false statement. Because your always going to remember what that person did to you, and thats a mark in your life that wont be eraseable. But just because you are unable to forget does not mean that your going to bring that mistake or issue up again every time you face that person who may have caused you pain. This is when you grow up a little and forgive those that hurt your wounded heart and mend your heart once more by letting the past be behind you and picking yourself right back up to walk that long road of life.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Corruption inside the homes.

Theres a certain household appliance that 99% of Americans have in there house, it lurks around knowingly, but to the majority its unknowingly corrupting the minds of not only adults and youth but to children all across the world. We trust this appliance as we let it sit in our homes. This secretive object is known as "the television," this is the most watched entertainment in all houses.
The number of hours of TV watched in the Unitied States per day is an average of 6 hours and minutes. Television is corrupting the minds of our generation. It is as though TV has become a role model for the Unitied States. Through this device we are told what to do, what to say, and how to act. We spend hours of countless time in front of a television set entertaining ourselves. We wonder why time passes by so fast and why we dont have enough time to do what is really needed to be done, but im sure if we cutt off a certain amount of time form the TV then we have more than enough time to enjoy this fast passed life.
The Element of Freedom
*facts provided by

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Okay well lets see I think the uniforms are unneccesary, why should we be forced to wear things that the administration wants us to wear. I understand that we are in a charter school and that we need to look nice but cant we look acceptable with normal clothing. I would also understand if we were going to an private school but ADVANTAGE ACADEMY is not a private school. But these uniforms do have there pro's for instance, the uniforms save alot of money for the parents, and its DEFINETLY NOT a hastle trying to pick out what im going to wear for school that day. Alot of students at this school say that these uniforms "do not let us express our individuality".
Honestly I feel that your individuality should not be based off your clothes but off of your true personality, that is the only thing that matters, not how good you look, or what style of clothing you wear. But by your actions you portray each day and your character.
I feel that this school is always trying to mix stupidity with genius. They take these guidlines and rules overboard. The people in central office try to force these new rules upon us like were  in the hackin military.  And just for the record mixing stupidity and genius do not turn out so well.. Thats like mixing anthrax and flour.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

What I learned in school...

That i should say "thats what that is" after every thing i say.
Keeundra Murray is the only black male junior.
I should use correct grammer around miss chisholm so i dont hurt her.
The lunch room smells like feet. Black people are hilarious. Caleb gives the best hugs.
 How to duggie(thanks to all the ghetto people.)
Mister Hay looks like he is gonna "Let it Burn"....cause these are his confessions.
Never sit by billy, preston, or jose when there feeling gassy.
Cursty is an amazing best friend, that i could have ever asked for.
Our school is really small.
These kids know to much about drugs.
Amanda Cano loves mustaches.
Vero is a Thug
Beatriz is actually a bee
Tonias weave is bullet proof(but not fire proof.)
Players only love you when there playing.
Daniel is annoying
Chewbaca is my home boy....BBBBBRRRRRR....(that was my wooki call)
No one in this school likes a snitch
Keeundrae loves the ladies
Joseph Lopez is my cousin
Never chew gum in mister allees class
Billy can preach
Miss Chisholm is the most loveliest teacher.

The Element of Freedom.

Keeundra Murray

Keeundra Murray Keeundra Murray Keeundra Murray Keeundra Murray Keeundra Murray Keeundra Murray Keeundra Murray Keeundra Murray Keeundra Murray Keeundra Murray Keeundra Murray Keeundra Murray Keeundra Murray Keeundra Murray Keeundtra Murray Keeundra Murray Keeundra Murray Keeundra Murray Keeundra Murray Keeundra Murray Keeundra Murray Keeundra Murray Keeundra Murray Keeundra Murray Keeundra Murray Keeundra Murray Keeundra Murray Keeundra Muray Keeundra Murray Keeundra Murray Keeundra Murray Keeundra Murray Keeundra Murray Keeundra Murray

Monday, November 8, 2010

Hhhhm adults aaay??//

"When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away my childish things."
~1Corinthians 13:11

An adult is someone who accepts there consequences during any situation. They realize their responsibilities while they grow older with age, and dont hide or try to ignore there duties. An adult has a characteristic of maturity. Maturity is defined by a man or woman who fully understands there role in life as their mind strats to develope...these people become more responsible and independent. Not trying to call any of these adults out or go off on them or anything but i think some of the older figures we call "adults" now are still mentally immature
So when should you start acting like an adult...HONESTLY i think that you should start acting like an adult when you begin to understand the importance of being mature. But to be mature does not mean to do grown up things...this means that you accept the enduring and difficult choices that come as our life goes on..

TAKS...and BENCHMARK testing.

You know how I feel about these tests... I think it's stupid how they make us be quite the whole day..that crap is know how tormenting that is to americaan teenagersss...this causes a disturbance in my brain waves...hahh but seriously. They should let us be quite during the test but after the test i feel like they should let us be free to do whatever.
Oh and I dothink they have there pro's and con's..because most kids freeze up when it comes to these tests.I have no idea why this happens to the students. Some of us kids need to learn how to just relax and take the HACKIN test.  Honestly I just hope i can pass that sucker.. Well im pretty much done cause i dont like talking abbout tests and such...SOOO DUCES..;)

The Element of Freedom.<3

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Freedom of speech....are we trully Free to say whatever we want? Or is there a certain extent.. do people have to tolerate us according to this priveledge. I think that if one person is able or gets the right to say what they truly believe in then everyone else should recieve this. Because we cant turn back to our old days where depending on your physical body determined whether you would have the right of freedom of speech.

But just because i believe that all people should have freedom of speech does not mean that im going to favor or go along with what they believe so strongly in. And that does not mean i am going to outcast them and seclude them because they have a belief i dont agree with.

~Duces, i dont feel like typing anmore.:)
"Element of Freedom"

" Fo sho The Greatest Gift":)

Without an uconditional and everlasting loving God, where would the love for one another be? We love so much and yet we dont realize how or why we are able to express this feeling so deeply. I believe that God gave us this ability whether you want to agree with it or not its true "God is love." Think about it how are we given this incredible gift of loving one another as our Father loves us? Love is such a beautiful relationship to have with someone, it's crazy how some people can put us through so much hell but none of that truly mattered cause yet you still loved them. We go around loving (which is awesome) but dont understand the truth which is that God gave us this unexpressible blessing .
I dont know about you but I am honestly grateful for Him allowing me to have such an unspeakable love for all the memorable people i come in contact with. And when i say love im talking about "agape" love. Agape means "Goldly love" which is what we should all have for one another. Oh and think about this...if you are able to care for one other with such compassionate love "how much more so will your Father love you in heaven." Guys i could go on and on about this..but mrs. chisholm said atleast 2 paragraph, so HAHA i guess im done.

But if you have any questions about what true love REALLY is then read this scripture 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 or send me a comment and i will FO SHO HOOK YOU UP WITH SOME OFF THE CHAIN SCRIPS...
Ps;)Hahah that right there was me trying to be ghetto...<3...

"the element of freedom":)